Direct Phase II SBIR Grants to Support Extended Development, Hardening, and Dissemination of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics, and Big Data Science
Jurisdiction: |
Incentive Type: | Grant Program |
Industries: |
Health And Safety, Education, Environmental
Eligible Sector: |
Category: |
Financial Incentive
Time Period: |
FY 2015
Governing Body: | National Institutes of Health |
What’s it worth?: | Not mentioned |
The Direct Phase II SBIR Grants to Support Extended Development, Hardening, and Dissemination of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics, and Big Data Science use funds to support research and development efforts in a broad base of innovative technologies. Research should be conducted in context of important biomedical and behavioral research challenges. Proposals should cover one or more of the following themes:
- Collaborative environments and technologies
- Data integration
- Analysis and modeling methodologies
- Computer science and statistical approaches
Research and development should be in the context of biomedical and behavioral research of interest in most NIH institutes. This program has the most interest in data and analysis related to addiction including sharing and discovering basic and clinical addiction-related study data, standardizations of addition study ontologies, data visuals, technology for communication and summary of findings.
Phase I projects are typically not awarded more than $1,000,000 and $1,500,000 for Phase II project, neither of which may exceed a two year duration. All applicants must meet the following criteria.
Application packets may be obtained from the website and must be complete and submitted before the deadline.