Bioreactors for Reparative Medicine (R41/R42)

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Medical, Health & Safety, Technology
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: National Institutes of Health
What’s it worth?: $5,400,000

The Bioreactors for Reparative Medicine program is an effort to encourage small businesses to develop biomimetic culture systems with the ability to control cellular and 3-dimensional organ microenvironment and use unique physiological dynamics of heart, lung, and blood tissues. Funds are awarded to proposals that develop or use good laboratory practices and standards for pre-clinical research. Research examples include but are not excluded to:

  • Bioreactors that incorporate biomarkers and probes to efficiently and effectively detect and measure cellular processes during tissue growth, remodeling, and stabilization
  • Efforts incorporating microparticle materials to significantly reduce the expense in growing 3D cell aggregates
  • Systems integrating controlled mechanical and electrical loading without compromise to sterility conditions
  • Devices that robustly couple natural and/or artificial polymer synthesis to material formation and function for additive 3D tissue printing

A more complete list of examples can be found on the website.

These games should be designed to train, educate, and encourage behavioral changes. Funds typically do not exceed $225,000 for Phase I projects and $750,000 for Phase II projects. Applicants are encourage to contact the NIH program officials before proposing anything in excess of the guidelines. 

Applications must be complete and received before the deadline.