Novel Tools for Investigating Brain-derived GPCRs in Mental Health Research (R43/R44)

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Research, Health And Safety, Medical
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: National Institutes of Health
What’s it worth?: Not mentioned

The Novel Tools for Investigating Brain-derived GPCRS in Mental Health Research was developed to encourage the development of technologies and approaches to better study brain function. Ideal projects include but are not excluded to:

  • Novel technologies and approaches that further explain GPCRs function
  • Specific tool applications that define structural relationships of GPCRs
  • Studies that may address a variety of mental health disorders

Application types include: new, renewal, resubmission, and revision applications. Typical award amounts of not more than $225,000 for Phase I projects and up to $1,500,000 for Phase II projects with project duration of up to two years. All applicants must meet the following criteria: