Rural Communities Health Care Investment Program (RCHIP)

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Health And Safety
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: Texas department of agriculture
What’s it worth?: Not mentioned

The purpose of the Rural Communities Health Care Investment Program (RCHIP) is to assist rural communities to recruit health care providers by providing student loan reimbursements or stipend payments to non-physicians. Eligible participants include non-physician providers who:

  • Practice in a qualifying community upon receiving their license within the last 12 months
  • Change employment from a practice site in a largely populated area to a qualifying community

Eligible clinicians must:

  • Reside in Texas
  • Have no prior service obligations
  • May not participant in any educational loan reimbursement programs or other incentive program
  • Hold a license to practice in Texas in a health care field
  • Be newly licensed
  • Services must include at least one form of indigent care
  • Commit to practice in area for a minimum of 12 consecutive months
  • Provide services in an MUA or HPSA designation county

Awards are subject to fund availability and may not exceed $5,000; priority is given to applicants with loan repayment needs. All applicants must provide documentation of evidence that they have begun practicing and must complete the commitment requirements before a disbursement is made.

Applications must include:

  • Application Form GTBD-132 Part A
  • Application Form GTBD-132 Part B

All applications will be evaluated and screened for eligibility and completeness; TDA will identify order of priority and notify grantees after the deadline.