School Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies, Obesogenic Behaviors, and Weight Outcomes (R01)
Jurisdiction: |
Incentive Type: | Grant Program |
Industries: |
Education, Health And Safety, Research
Eligible Sector: |
Category: |
Financial Incentive
Time Period: |
FY 2015
Governing Body: | National Institutes of Health |
What’s it worth?: | Not mentioned |
The School Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies, Obesogenic Behaviors, and Weight Outcomes program funds research projects that propose to:
- Foster multidisciplinary research to evaluate how policies can influence physical activities, nutrition, youths’ obesogenic behaviors, and weight outcomes in schools.
- Understand schools implementation of activity policies and examine multi-level influences of policy adoption.
- Gain an understanding of the synergistic or counteractive effect of these activities on other environments students live in and their body weight.
Objectives for this program are to understand how school policies affect student’s living environment, promote nutrition and activity behavior, and decrease childhood obesity. Ideal research areas include but are not limited to:
- How does school physical activity and nutrition policies affect youth’s obesogenic behaviors inside and outside of school?
- What school policies have the most positive outside influences?
- What methods should be used to measure the aggregate effect on multiple policies on the school environment?
- How are community environments influenced by school-based policies?
A more complete list can be found on the website. Awards budgets are not limited but should reflect the actual needs of the project proposed, proposal may cover a maximum of five years. Request greater than $500,000 must contact NIH program staff at least six weeks prior to submitting an application.
Applications must be complete and received before the deadline.