Agriculture Water Conservation Grants Program

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Agricultural, Technology, Infrastructure
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: Texas Water development board
What’s it worth?: $295,050

The purpose of this program is to provide loans for agricultural water conservation efforts in subdivisions, state agencies, or individuals. Funds may be used for conservation programs or pre-approved projects. Conservation programs and projects include:

  • Water conservation technical assistance programs
  • Research of water conservations
  • Demonstrations of water conservation
  • Technology transfer relating to agricultural water
  • Educational programs relating to agricultural
  • Precipitation enhancement program
  • Water conservation programs administered by state agencies and political subdivisions
  • Improvement of water delivery
  • Irrigation land preparation
  • Dry land preparation for natural precipitation use
  • Installation of devices designed to indicated water consumption for irrigation
  • Preparation and maintenance of land for brush control

Eligible participants include political subdivisions including:

  • Cities
  • Counties
  • Soil and water conservation districts
  • Underground water conservation districts
  • Irrigation districts

To apply eligible participants must submit an application following the guidelines outlined by the Financial Assistance program. Applications may be submitted at any time. Loans may have a length of up to 10 years with an interest rate equal to the asking yield for a U.S. Treasury Note. More information can be retrieved by contacting the Conservation Staff.