Household Water Well System Grants

Household Water Well System Grants assists nonprofit organizations and tribes to create revolving loan funds (RLF). Eligible nonprofits have:

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Health And Safety, Technology
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: U.S. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
What’s it worth?: $11,000
  • Experience with household water well systems safety
  • Authority to lend funds
  • Lending experience
  • Ability to comply with federal and state laws and regulations

Loans may not exceed $11,000 per household with a maximum term of 20 years and a 1% fixed interest rate. Funds may be used to create RLFs of eligible households constructing, refurbishing, or service individually-owned water well systems, except for sewer or septic systems.

Participants must contribute a minimum of 10%; funds may come from the applicant or a third party but may not be in-kind contribution. Eligible areas include:

  • Areas with 50,000 or fewer people
  • Tribal lands
  • Colonias

Eligible participants must submit completed applications prior to the deadline electronically or paper format; late applications will not be accepted. To apply applicants only need to submit an application. Questions may be directed to the local RD office.  Applications must include:

  • Application for Federal Assistance form
  • Budget Information – Non-Construction Programs form
  • Assurances – Non Construction Programs form
  • Disclosure of Lobbying Activity form
  • Equal Opportunity Agreement form
  • Assurance Agreement form
  • Project Proposal
  • Work Plan
  • Budget & Justification
  • Evidence of Legal Authority & Existence
  • List of Directors and Officers
  • Documentation of non-profit status & IRS  Tax Exempt Status
  • Financial Information & Sustainability
  • Assurances & Certifications of Compliance with Other Federal Statutes

Each application will be reviewed and evaluated after which awarded applicants will be notified letter.