Shore Damage Attributable to Federal Navigation Works (CAP Section 111)
Jurisdiction: |
Incentive Type: | Grant Program |
Industries: |
Infrastructure, Health And Safety
Eligible Sector: |
Category: |
Financial Incentive
Time Period: |
FY 2015
Governing Body: | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
What’s it worth?: | $650,000 |
The Shore Damage Attributable to Federal Navigation Works (CAP Section 111) Program provides grant funds to implement prevention or mitigation of erosion damages to coastline shores. Projects are completed in collaboration with the U.S. Army of Corps Engineers for planning, design, and implementation. Funds typically awarded between $50,000 and $1.5 million and not to exceed $5 million; cost sharing may be required depending upon the project. Eligible organizations include:
- Conservation district
- Local government
- Nonprofit organizations
- State/territorial agencies
- Water and wastewater utilities
Funds may be used for study, design, and construction. Priority is given to projects that are to correct identified causes of damage without abandoning the navigation project and project proposals that are based on:
- Sound engineering
- Economic principles
- Clearly demonstrates feasibility of the proposal
Some follow-up inspections may be required depending on the size of the project and agreed upon terms.
To apply for this program applicants must submit a request for assistance an example letter of request may be found on the website. The corps evaluates the proposal and determines if the program is appropriate. Approved programs require participants to match costs and meet other requirements. Applications must be submitted before the deadline.