Tribal Clean Water Act Programs and Grants

Jurisdiction: Federal
Incentive Type: Grant Program
Infrastructure, Technology
Eligible Sector:
Category: Financial Incentive
Time Period: FY 2015
Governing Body: Environmental Protection Agency
What’s it worth?: $40,000 and $200,000

Tribal Grants are part of the Water Pollution Control (Section 106) Grants programs of the EPA. The EPA focuses on assisting states, interstate agencies, and tribes with implementing necessary water pollution control programs. Eligible participants are federally recognized tribal lands of more than 110,000 square miles throughout the U.S. including:

  • Federally recognized by the Secretary of the Interior
  • Have a governing body
  • Have jurisdiction and legal authority
  • Are able to fulfill grant requirements
  • Have TAS approval for Section 106 grants

EPA provides technical assistance funds to assist tribes in assessing and preserving water resources in their territories. There are more than $25 million in funds available specifically for Tribal Grants. Funds may be used for:

  • Water quality monitoring program development and implementation
  • Program staff
  • Equipment and supplies purchases
  • Water quality assessments
  • Water quality ordinances development and implementation
  • Water quality and geographic information systems development
  • Trainings
  • Workshops
  • Educational events to technical knowledge development
  • Educational outreach
  • Identification of nonprofit source assessment reports
  • Gaining TAS for SWA section 319 funding
  • Determining nonpoint source projects effectiveness
  • Wetland protection programs
  • Water quality protection programs
  • Wetland program plans

The base allotment per tribe is $65,167. Tribes are required to match 5% of awarded funds. Applications may be obtained from the EPA website and must be submitted prior to the deadline. Questions and feedback should be forwarded to the EPA