Water Pollution Control (Section 106) Grants

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Infrastructure, Technology, Health And Safety
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: US Environmental Protection Agency
What’s it worth?: Not mentioned

Water Pollution Control Grants provide states, interstate agencies, and eligible tribes assistances in establishing and implementing ongoing water pollution control programs. Section 106 grants support projects that include:

  • Monitoring and assessing water quality
  • Developing water quality standards
  • Identifying impaired waters and total maximum daily loads
  • Managing national pollutant discharge elimination system permits
  • Ensuring compliance
  • Implementing enforcement actions
  • Protecting source water
  • Managing outreach and education programs

Section 106 Grants are divided into three categories: monitoring initiative grants, state and interstate agency grants and tribal grants. Each category has different guidance directions and allocation processes that may be viewed on the EPA website.

The Section 106 grants support EPA, States, Tribes, and Interstate agencies collaborating to develop basin-wide approaches to managing water quality. These grants may also be used to provide “in-kind” support for projects specially requested by states or tribes. Program support cost for the Section 106 programs require:

  • Implementation of pollution control programs
  • Portion of funds to EPA for the benefit of the affected assistance recipients
  • Approval granted from assistance recipients
  • Establish set asides
  • Obtain written agreement from Section 106 National Program Manager

Any questions should be directed to the Section 106 Coordinator.