The Evolution of the Invisible Fish: Texas Research Could Aid Military Camouflage

In Workshop

divers-123286_960_720Smoked, battered, fried or raw – fish do indeed come in many different culinary compositions. However, there is one form that may not delight the gastronomic folk: Invisible.

Innovative research at The University of Texas at Austin has solved a time-honored conundrum about how numerous fish breeds are capable to vanish from predators in the exposed waters of the deep-sea. Moreover, this research could aid scientists and military technologists generate more effective techniques of ocean camouflage.

To expand on this, the research reports that specific fish utilize microscopic structures named platelets in their skin cells to mirror polarized light, which permits the fish to outwardly dissolve from their hunters. Molly Cummins, professor of integrative biology in the College of Natural Sciences, noted, “Fish have evolved the means to detect polarized light… Given that, we suggested they’ve probably evolved the means to hide in polarized light. If we can identify that process, then we can improve upon our own camouflage technology for that environment.”

Certainly, a study such as this reveals how research allows humanity to take advantage of evolutionary processes and solutions that could aid future military technologies. Prompting the question, what could your research and development have an effect on?

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